Laser Hair Removal FAQs
What are the benefits?
Safe and effective alternative to waxing and shaving
Quick treatments with little to no downtime
Precision – targets priority areas leaving surrounding skin undamaged
Silky smooth and hair free skin
Helps reduce ingrown hairs an irritation of the skin
Cost effective and saves money on waxing
Incredibly safe and less painful then waxing!
85-99% permanent hair reduction in as little as 6 treatments
Certified and experienced staff
Medical grade laser technology
Suitable for both men and women
What is the recommended interval between treatments?
6-10 treatments required, 8 – 10 weeks apart.
How long to treatments take?
From 30 seconds – 20 minutes, depending on the size or areas to be treated.
What is the recovery time?
There is minimal downtime, any redness or swelling subsides quickly after treatment.
A mild sunburn-like reaction is normal. It usually calms down within 2-12 hours but may last up to 2 days.
For immediate relief, cool under cold running water or apply icepacks to reduce heat in the skin.
Apply a cooling gel to keep your skin cool.
Avoid excessive sun exposure for at least 2 weeks.
Apply SPF 50+ daily to sun exposed areas between treatments.
If face is treated use only mineral based makeup for 48hrs after treatment.
Your treated areas may be temperature sensitive
Wash areas with cold or tepid water.
Take luke-warm showers only.
The skin on your treated areas may be red
Using AHA, BHA or Vitamin A products
Strongly scented lotions & soaps
Exfoliating creams & scrubbing
Swimming pools & spas with chemicals / chlorine
Activities that cause excessive perspiration
Small red itchy bumps may appear -this is a heat rash. Cool under cold running water or apply ice packs to reduce heat in the skin.
If itching persists, ask your local pharmacist to recommend an antihistamine cream.
In rare cases, you may observe blistering. Do not pick at the area – this can cause scarring.
If healing is delayed, ask your local pharmacist or doctor.
Allow any crusting to heal naturally – this normally takes 3-14 days.
‘Stubble’ may appear between 1-4 weeks. This is not hair re-growth but the treated hairs being purged from the follicle.
Allow this hair to fall out of the skin on its own.
Gentle exfoliation may help this process.
New hairs may start to grow, these are hairs that were in the ‘rest’ phase, which lasts 1-6 months, which are now active and is why multiple treatments are usually needed. If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, infection or any other disturbance to the treated skin contact your clinic. In some cases we may advise you to contact your GP.
Waxing FAQs
How long does my hair have to be for me to be able to get waxed?
Your hair needs to be ¼ inch long, (size of a grain of rice), at least a minimum of two weeks growth from your last hair removal.
What do I do before my wax?
A few days before, exfoliate the area. On the day of your wax do not moisturize, apply deodorants, or have any hot showers or heat-based treatments (for example, sunbeds).
Can I have a wax while being pregnant?
100%. Getting waxed while pregnant is perfectly safe. Advice is to keep going with maintenance every 4-6 weeks as you would have done prior to pregnancy.
It is my first time waxing which bikini wax should I start with?
Your therapist will advise you on this based on hair growth or if you have done any other hair removal types, but you can start with a Hollywood if you would like, there are no rules when it comes to this.
Different types of bikini waxes?
Basic bikini: A very standard bikini wax, where the hair is removed from just outside the knicker line.
Extended Bikini: This is a high rise bikini line, also hair can be removed from the top of the bikini line, perfect for the swimsuit.
Thong: This is a tight bikini line where the hair is left around the lip area and also removed from the bum area.
Brazilian: A Brazilian wax has all the hair removed from the lip area and the buttocks, there 3-4 finger width left on top (clients preference)
Hollywood: A total bare wax
If you have any questions that we have not answered, always feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.
Please remember, this is our profession and everybody is treated the same.
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You can also contact via the following:
Phone: 086 106 4566
Get directions to the salon on Google Maps here.